CARI'MAM project

The Greater Caribbean Region count more than 35 species of marine mammals, making it one of the most diverse areas in the world to this regard. Most of these species are highly mobile and can move between different territories, making Cooperation between stakeholders involved in the preservation of marine mammals necessary.

A network for marine mammals

The Caribbean presents a great heterogeneity in terms of regulations and resources dedicated to the preservation of marine mammals.
Launched in 2018, the CARI'MAM project aims to :

  • create a network of actors involved in the conservation of marine mammals,
  • strengthen the skills of marine protected area managers,
  • develop common management and assessment tools,
  • support the development of a commercial marine mammal watching service that respects the animals and is sustainable throughout the Caribbean.
le logo CARI'MAM

Le logo du projet CARI'MAM représente la constellation des territoires de la Grande région caraïbe.

Office français de la biodiversité

Le logo du projet CARI'MAM représente la constellation des territoires de la Grande région caraïbe.

Office français de la biodiversité

To achieve these objectives, the partners involved work through several work packages :

Axis 1 - Analysis of baseline and legal tools concerning marine mammals
Area 2 - Monitoring
Area 3 - Capacity building of managers
Axis 4 - Development of common strategies for the acoustic monitoring
Axis 5 - Support the development of commercial cetacean watching activities, respectful of the animals 
Axis 6 - Management plan for marine protected areas concerning marine mammals 
Axis 7 - Communication and awareness raising

Thanks to this project, the members of the CARI'MAM network have been able to meet several times to exchange and work collectively on common topics through thematic workshops.
At present, the network includes more than 61 structures from 28 Caribbean territories.

Quelques réalisations de CARI'MAM

A European project

The CARI'MAM project, which stands for Caribbean Marine Mammals Preservation Network , was created to strengthen the network of marine protected areas and partners in the Greater Caribbean Region working to improve knowledge and preservation of marine mammals. It is led by the Agoa Sanctuary.

With a budget of €2,727,275, this project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the framework of the Interreg Caribbean program, up to 75%, i.e. €2,045,456. It also includes a participation of the FED fund attributed to the Ministry of Environment of Dominican Republic.

This project is led by the Agoa Sanctuary managed by the French Office of Biodiversity, with the support of three organizations :

Logo Cari'mam interreg

CARI'MAM est en partie financé par le fond FEDER.

Office français de la biodiversité

CARI'MAM est en partie financé par le fond FEDER.

Office français de la biodiversité

Consult the interim report of the CARI'MAM project (french version)
Workshop CARI'MAM
Workshop CARI'MAM

Office français de la biodiversité